Friday, February 13, 2015

My Birthday Boy Turns 2!

What kind of mamma schedules a well child visit on the child's second birthday????? This mamma does! Of course it was by accident, not that I forgot my sons birthday its that I generally schedule multiple things all at once based on the day of the week not the "date" of the week! I know this child has therapy this day every week, early release days every Monday, and so on and so forth so I work on a Monday through Friday bases and not pay attention to anything else......After seeing his face I did promise to pay attention to the "date" going forward!
In the waiting room none the wiser eating his birthday breakfast...

The nurse called us back and had me take off his clothes for a weight check. He immediately began crying and it breaks my heart. He has gone into a panic since he was a wee baby hospitalized for a week with a high fever. It broke my heart to see all the tests they did and sticks and pokes! It makes me wonder.....he can not possibly remember, he must react to me! and I try to be happy and calm him down sing to him softly despite not having a singing voice. My poor little man not ever again on your birthday.....mommy promises!

 I was almost in tears over his little face!

We were happy to know that he was all caught up on shots and only needed a finger stick because his hemoglobin is usually low. This he is used to and doesn't mind at all!

Time to head home I have a lot to do with a birthday party this week!

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